Experience a unique, dynamic gathering place and service hub for the francophone community and people seeking to enjoy the liveliness and charm of French culture. Come for a meal, join us for a show, dance to live music, welcome your wedding guests in our event spaces, or invite us into your community to learn more about French culture.
8627 rue Marie-Anne Gaboury (91 Street)
Edmonton, Alberta
T6C 3N1
(780) 463-1144
Hours of Operation
Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 7:00pm
Saturday from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Closed on Sunday
We have free visitor parking on the top level
of our parkade, situated on the North end
of Pavillon II.
As early as January 1944, the French Canadian Association of Alberta expressed the need to build a cultural centre.
This dream was finally realized in 1997 with the completion of Phase I, and in 2010 of Phase II.
A large majority of francophone organizations now occupy the 104,000 square foot building. La Cité has become a place where the francophone and greater Edmonton community can gather and experience French Canadian culture at its finest.
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